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3-5 Digital Online Learning Week 6 Choices:





Fill Your Bucket
Here's a picnic game that's sure to add some excitement to the day! Bring on the competition with this game that has kids poke holes in cups, fill them up with water and then run to dump the water in a bucket before it all leaks out of the cup. Your kid will get a workout and there will be loads of laughter!

What You Do:

1. Poke a few holes in the bottom and middle of each cup. Make sure to poke them in the same place on each cup so nobody has an advantage.

2. Take the kids outside. Show them the starting and finishing lines. There should be at least 10 feet between the lines.

3. Fill the buckets with water and put them at the starting line. There should be one between each two children playing.

4. Have the children line up at the start line.

5. Set one empty bucket in front of each child at the finish line.

6. Give each child a cup with holes poked in it.

7. On your signal, the kids can fill up their cups with water and race to the finish line to dump the water in the bucket.

8. The game can go on for as long as you like. With the water spilling from their cups, kids will be motivated to run to their buckets as fast as they can.

9. The kid with the fullest bucket when time is called is the winner!


Fitness Uno:


Activity Goal:

I will follow the rules and have fun with my friends and family. 



• 1 deck of UNO Cards

• 1 hula hoop

• 1 cone or spot marker per team

• 1 UNO Fitness Chart per team of 2 players



1. Shuffle the UNO Cards and scatter them on the floor inside the hula hoop.

2. Place 1 cone or spot marker per team 10–20 meters away from the hoop.

3. Create teams of 2 players, each team behind a cone or spot marker with an UNO Fitness Chart.


Activity Procedures:

1. Today’s friendly competition is Fitness Uno. We will be developing our personal fitness with friends and family. This game is played in 2 phases.

2. During Phase 1, your team will run in relay-race format (1 player at a time) to the hoop to grab 1 UNO card per visit. Do not look at the card when you pick it up. When you return, give your teammate a high-5, and then she/he will run to the hoop. Place the cards face-down in a pile.

3. When your team has 10 cards, it’s time for Phase 2. During this phase, your team will work to return all of your cards to the hoop. To do that, flip over 1 UNO card at a time and use the UNO Fitness Chart to determine which exercise to perform. The number on the card determines the number of exercise repetitions you’ll complete. Everyone on your team must complete the exercises together.

4. Once you’ve finished an exercise set, 1 player will return the card to the hoop. Repeat until all cards are back in the hoop.

Don't forget to send Mr. Theriault   or Mrs. Smarr your photos or 30 second videos!

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Don't forget about your Brain Breaks between your digital assignments! 

Brain Bites Learning:

Cardiovascular Endurance:

Physical Education at Home Calendar:

Movement Made For Now: Over 50 Movement Activities to Choose From

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