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3-5 Digital Online Learning


Week 2 Choices:


  • Basketball Shooting…Around the World ...Choose 5 spots around the goal. Try to space them out evenly.  The first shooter to make it around and back wins.  Each shooter gets two chances to shoot, if the shooter miss on the second shot, they must start over.  You have the option of passing on your second shot.


  •  Adventure to Fitness  is FREE web-based program that leads the students through a variety of active scenarios. The bonus is that the scenes tie directly to the Core Curriculum. You will need to register, but it is free.


  • ​Adventure to Fitness is FREE web based program that leads the students through a variety of active scenarios. The bonus is that the scenes tie directly to the Core Curriculum. You have to register, but it is free.


  • ​​Move to Learn are 5 min exercise segments divided into K-3 and 4-6.  The have a cool down session so your child will be ready to work on class assignments.


  • ​​HIGH JUMPING! Each person gets one jump to place a piece of tape as high as possible on a wall. Students stand with their side to the wall with a rolled piece of tape in their fingertips. When ready, he or she swings their arms and jumps straight up as high as possible and places the tape on the wall. NO RUNNING OR LEAPING UP. This is a standing jump.  Each day try to jump higher.


  • Exercise Challenge: Do the following exercises each day for 20 seconds.  Each day add 5 seconds to each exercise.

Don't forget about your Brain Breaks between your digital assignments!

1. Plank


2. Jumping Jacks


3. Wall Sit


4. Jogging in Place

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