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K-2 Digital Online Learning Week 5 Choices:




Rock, Paper, Scissors, Catch!:
  • First, establish boundaries and a safe zone.
  • Face-off with a partner for a game of rock, paper, scissors with at least 6 feet of space between each player.
  • Whoever wins immediately becomes the chaser and must catch their opponent as fast as possible.
  • However, if the opponent loses the game of rock paper scissors but manages to reach the safe zone before being tagged, that player wins the round.
The Sock Sprint:
  • Take a pair of socks. Pick a starting line, set a timer for 30 seconds, and hold a sock in each hand.
  • Start the timer and sprint as fast as you can. When the timer goes off, quickly bend down to place one sock on the ground. Leave it on the ground and walk or jog back to the starting line.
  • Set the timer again. Your goal is to go further than where you left the last sock. Sprint for 30 seconds and place the second sock, then pick up the first sock and go back to the starting line. Keep repeating the sock race to see how far you can go in 20-60 seconds time and see how many times you can beat the sock.
Balance Points:
  • In this game, each body part that can support body weight is called a point. Points include hands, fingers, toes, buttocks, heels, elbows, knees, and feet.
  • First, try a normal plank using four balance points (both hands and feet)
  • Can you do a plank with only three balance points? Two? Try different two-point balancing (foot and hand, etc.), then one-point balancing, then three or four-point balancing. The challenge is to discover the most difficult ways to balance. At an advanced level, try to change from three points to two points without falling, four to two, etc.

Snakes & Lizards:


  • Need a family member as a partner.  One player is the Snake; one player is the Lizard.

  • Need a marble or small object to hide in your hand.  Designate a spot to stand (rock).

  • Snake always stays; lizard leaves the spot (rock).

  • The snake hides the marble in one hand.  The lizards skips or runs for 10 secs. around the playing area.

  • The lizard goes back to the snake and the snake tries to guess which hand the marble is in. 

  • If the snake guesses correctly, they switch postions~snake becomes lizard, lizard becomes snake.

  • If after 3 turns the snake hasn’t guessed the correct hand, switch!



Weekly Activity Chart:

Complete every activity each day OR pick and choose activities that work into your 

daily schedule. Don't stress out and have fun!

Weekly Activity Chart.png

Don't forget to send Mr. Theriault   or Mrs. Smarr your photos or 30 second videos!

Don't forget about your Brain Breaks between your digital assignments! 

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